This Week:

If you’re interested in the happenings of my week, check this out!
I’m doing this just to keep you all in the loop of the fun things I am up to this sum!

1. Wednesday I cooked the most magical dinner.
It was SO good.

Zucchini noodles with marinara.
grilled chicken.
side salad.
kiwi & oreos for dessert of course.

(If you’re interested in hearing more about my cooking adventures, let me know in the comments, and maybe I can make a post!)

2. Second week of internship!

Are you guys interested in seeing a what I wear to work post? I am just so inspired and motivated lately, I want to post ALL the time!

3. The 1975.

Ok I discovered new music, I’m not like crazy obsessed but deff a fan.
Especially, The Sound! 

4. Gym!

Ya gurl started making it to the gym again, praise!!

5. Nordstrom 1/2 yearly sale is happening!!! 

Here are some of my fav pieces!



Hope you all have been having a fab week!!
Until next time!


Proof: Meredith

Here’s a new series.
called Proof.
One of my favorite quotes/sayings is

“Let my life be proof of Your love.”

So I’m going to show you some people in my life that I feel truly live this out daily. I’m super excited about it & I hope you all enjoy it!

I thought to start, I should show the people I spend the most time with & that is definitely my littles.

Meredith & Mallory. 

Please let me know what you guys think about this and any questions or suggestions you have!



Sophomore Nursing Major @ Clemson University
Sigma Kappa
Clemson Miracle Exec

FROM: Boiling Springs, South Carolina

Mere & I met on a potential big/little date in September. We went to spill the beans and instantly hit it off. It was really like we had known each other forever and we fully dove into a deep convo about life. It was actually crazy. But we both knew then that we were meant to meet through SK and would become the great friends we are today. 

Meredith is the most selfless and generous person I know. No matter what she goes out of her way for the people she loves. She is genuine, considerate, kind, and incredibly strong.

I can’t even count the amount of times she’s been there to pick me up when I’m down.

She’s the best encourager.
Ya’ll for my birthday she wrote me 21 reasons why she loves me so much… c’mon!!
She tells me all the time how much she looks up to me, but actually I look up to her. 

Mere wants to be two things in her life, a nurse and a mom. If you know her, you know how great she will be at both. 

If Mere could give anyone advice she would say…

I would tell younger me to get into golf because that’s where all the cute boys are.”

now you can all experience her sass

(she is also the sassiest most sarcastic person I know, like EVER known)

on a more serious note…

“I would tell my two younger sisters not to ‘fall in love’ in high school because you don’t really know what love is and need to go into college single.”

If you don’t know Mere, you should.
She’ll pour her heart and soul into your friendship and relentlessly pursue you.

Mere, you’re a good one. 

Thanks for showing me & the world the love of Christ.

You are Proof.



Land of the Free + Memorial Day!!

Happy almost Memorial Day!
Who doesn’t love Memorial day??
It’s a time to celebrate our country and it’s heroes by enjoying a nice day outdoors, enjoying the quickly approaching summer weather. 
You could already have the summer weather like we do in the sc.

No matter how you intend on celebrating the holiday, at work, at a bbq, the lake or the pool, here are some of my favorite festive pieces to incorporate the holiday into your wardrobe no matter what your plans may be.

How do you plan on spending Memorial day???        

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