Hello palz. Hope you’re all having a fab Thursday!!! I typically like to post what God is teaching me in different areas of my life from time to time. I do this to share and help others who could be dealing with similar situations and I also do it because it’s fun for me to look back on and see all He has done.
The past few months, I have been in this state of fear. Fear had been controlling my life. It was giving me anxiety and seemed to be the only thing I thought about. For me right now, my fear is all about the future. Finding a job, knowing where I’m going to live, being able to financially support myself and my dreams, having a stable job to grow in, be in a city I love, surrounded by people I love.
I still don’t have any of those things figured out for the next few months, but I do have much less fear about it.
I about two weeks ago I had just had enough. I was tired of feeling scared and anxious about the unknown future. I serve at the student ministry at my church and before service our student pastor asked us to raise our hands if we wanted God to move that night.
I raised my hand.
+ boy oh boy did the Lord move!
The message was about making bold moves, living in freedom and trusting God’s provisions for our lives and it honestly rocked my world.
I absolutely sobbed the entire service.
It was incredible and so freeing.
I could feel the weight of fear lifted as I just gave the future to God and told Him it’s His, not mine.
When you ask God to move, He’s going to.
He is going to change your heart and He is going to do it in His time.
Ever since, I have had such peace about graduating and being unemployed bc it’s what He wants.
My path might look different from the typ college graduate, but His plan is far greater than mine.
What has the Lord been teaching you recently??